

John D Stagner

Do you need content for the web or print, but don’t have time to write it? Or maybe you could make the time, but writing just isn’t your thing.

No matter your reason, I can help.

You know time is money, and it’s smart to delegate or outsource when you can. But you also know you need a certain level of trust before you do that.

That’s where my experience comes in. 7 years of experience in writing for both print and online and 14 years experience in graphic design ought to reassure you. You can get more details on the About me page.

But right now, we’re talking about you. You might be wondering if my experience suits what you need. Here’s my answer:  I don’t know, but it’s only a phone call to find out.  If I can help, I’ll let you know. If your job isn’t my strong suit, I’ll let you know that, too.

If it’s design, social media strategy, or written content you need—or even some combination of those, let’s talk.
